Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Knock on Your Door

Between the many meetings I take with large and small groups across the district, I enjoy the time I get to walk precincts and introduce myself to the neighborhood, door by door. I find out a lot about the history of the district and learn about its successes and struggles over the years. I run into people who have young children and are concerned with the selection of schools in the area. I meet parents of student-athletes and musicians who wonder about the funding of their games, meets and concerts. I talk to parents who have adult children but remember and relate much about the district.
One such conversation I had was with a leader in the Healthy Marriage Project. I look forward to learning more about the studies on students as it relates to their home life and success in school and life. I had a vigorous discussion with another neighbor who was not pleased (to say the least) about the bureaucratic hurdles she had to just through as a parent to discuss her concerns with someone in the district. Most of the time, I introduce myself to people who have never had a board candidate or member come to their door. This is understandable, as there are so many people to meet. However, I make it a goal to take every opportunity to meet anyone, anywhere and discuss the needs of our students. Don’t be shy about commenting on the blog, emailing me or even making a phone call to my cell.

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