Monday, September 8, 2008

Absentee Ballots

We’re soon approaching the time that absentee ballots will be distributed to the public. That usually occurs about 30 days out from the election in November meaning that if you are a permanent absentee voter or wish to be, you may receive your ballot the first week in October. For instructions on how to do this, go to the Sacramento County Registrar’s Office and they can walk you through the steps. They have also added a new feature to verify that you are registered to vote. Simply go to this website and enter in the required information and they’ll give you an indication that you are or are not registered to vote.
It is important that your 18 year old students are registered to vote and that your students attending college out of the area are also registered to receive their absentee ballot by mail.
Many men and women have fought, bled and died for the voting franchise, and if we don’t choose to exercise our right to vote, we’re allowing others to make critical and important decisions in our behalf.

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