Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Devastating News

On Monday, I rode the light rail home from work sitting next to a friend and colleague of mine. It was a particularly exasperating day in the office, but as it was my anniversary (8 years!), I looked forward to the nice, relaxing night at Leatherby’s with my wife for dinner and ice cream while we left our kids at their friends’ house. Before the doors even shut to the light rail car, I could tell that something was wrong with my friend. She had heard the devastating news of one of her son’s cohorts shooting himself in the head at Mira Loma High School. He did it in the morning during class, in the restroom. It was the vice-principal who found him on the ground, still alive, though mortally injured. He lived for a short time longer and was confirmed dead at the hospital just yesterday.
It’s a sobering thought to have someone so young think that their life is of little value to take it from those that love and care for them. I don’t know him nor do I know his family, but I want to give them my heartfelt sympathy and offer our family prayers for them today. I can only imagine their grief and loss.
I hope we can pay a more attention to those kids who may need a little extra care and give it to them before they feel that they have to get it the wrong way. There’s always a little extra room for kindness and a thoughtful word for our family and friends, and even for those who don’t often feel that they are cared about, justified or not.
There’s little to say in this situation except that my thoughts and prayers go to his family.

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